The Official Newsletter of Caitlín & John Matthews - No. 100, part 1. January 2025
Dear Reader
Welcome to part one of our 100th Hallowquest newsletter! (Part 2 will be coming along soon with details of books coming in 2025.). Keep reading down to find details of all of our courses in 2025.
We are writing on Midwinter’s day, simply because it is the first opportunity we’ve had this year to gather up all the updated events and books. This year, Caitlín has seen over 100 clients and written 86 substantial posts on Substack; between us we’ve given 13 courses (excluding online events), 17 seminars, and attended to a lot of books in different stages of development.
This year, Caitlín appeared as guest of honour at the Magickal Women Conference in Birmingham, while John was prominent in helping the launch of our friend, Dwina Murphy-Gibb’s Vedic Tarot in London.
We’ve had no holiday or substantial time off, just a few exhibition viewings and theatre visits, so this year, we are taking more time for ourselves, as we are both in our seventies now and cannot keep up this pace: being both Capricorns, we know we are good at applying ourselves, but there is a limit! Because it is our 50th anniversary of being together, this coming February, we are running away together again for a restorative retreat at a secret location, where we will be unavailable for consultation on any matter.
Our intention in the new year is to reshape how we do things, and spending more time together enjoying things. This will include writing the things we’ve always wanted to write, and setting aside the things that others have urged us to write. This includes getting to our fiction, which needs much more time than non-fiction.
What few people see is how much work we both do for others, in between our own work, which has put extra stress upon the household this year. John has acted as editor, guide and father-confessor to many authors and friends, going the extra mile to get them back to or onto the road, while Caitlín spends many hours each week preparing for or following up on clients in her shamanic practice, or counselling students. Our decision to draw back a little is largely based on the health-difficulties we’ve had this year, which have proved difficult to diagnose or to treat in effective ways – not helped much by an indifferent and tardy NHS: we’ve both ended up in the ‘we can’t help you further, but we’re happy to pharmaceuticalize you’ dept: neither of us wish to go down that route, frankly, as we have existed this long by homeopathy and herbalism, which is still supporting us.
We were very pleased to celebrate our 40th Open Mystery School course at Hawkwood College in Stroud this December. We have, in the words of Coal Hawlings from The Box of Delights, ‘given a play on Christmas night since Pagan times,’ or so it seems. This December our topic was the Voyage tradition of spiritual wonder: next December we look at the connections between the Celtic and Vedic traditions. It is still the only time when we give a course in which we do something unique that is never repeated, and for which a ritual for the company is written just in time for the course. It is an experience not to be missed!
We both continue to write on Substack which is where a lot of our new writing is appearing: you get to read it there before anyone else for the cost of $8/£6.30 a month or $80/£63 a year: you have access to all that has already been written there, including the Blessings of the Celtic Year course which remains available to you.
On Caitlín’s Substack: Caitlín Matthews: A Hallowquest Sanctuary, she is currently running a 35 part course on the Golden Verses of Hierocles, which is based upon Pythagoras’ teachings: a 25 century old wisdom, helping us live ethically and spiritually in an ensouled cosmos.
John’s Substack is John Matthews’ Little House of Myth and Legend
The Quest never ends, the road goes on!
May the joy and blessings of the Golden Age be with this coming year!
Many blessings
Caitlín & John Matthews
This course begins the Level A training. We are delighted to be able to offer the Foundation Course in 3 locations again this year. Completion of the Foundation Course – which must be completed at one location - enables students to proceed to the Intermediate level of the Walkers Between Worlds Shamanic Training Programme with Caitlín Matthews and other teachers. To view the full curriculum, go to:
15-16 March 2025 and 19-21 Sept 2025. 2nd Irish WALKERS BETWEEN THE WORLDS Foundation Course in Celtic & Ancestral Shamanism with Margot Harrison, and Kait Curtis. This two-part course teaches students to journey, heal, quest and arbitrate along the ancient paths of wisdom, gathering spirit allies. We ground in the ancient mysteries of our native shamanic tradition, gathering as a clan of the sacred earth. Held at Danu Lodge in Co. Wexford, Ireland. Fees: Residential sharing is 480 Euros, non-residential 340 Euros, including vegetarian and gluten-free options. Booking: Non-returnable deposit of 150 Euros to Kate Curtis Phone +353 (0) 872325383.
15-16 March and 13-14 Sept 2025 WALKERS BETWEEN THE WORLDS 35rd UK Foundation Course in Celtic & Ancestral Shamanism with John Matthews and Jonathan Huet. This course teaches students to journey, heal, quest and arbitrate along the ancient paths of wisdom, gathering spirit allies. We ground in the ancient mysteries of our native shamanic tradition, gathering as a clan of the sacred earth. Held in North Moreton, Oxon. Take both weekends to qualify for Level B courses. Total fee £530. (£265 for each weekend). Food is £40 per weekend extra, including a substantial, varied lunch, with tea, cake and biscuits. Or, for those bringing their own lunch, £10 for teas and cake per weekend. Send a deposit of £150 payable to ‘John Matthews’ to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680.) Held in North Moreton, Oxon. Contact Jane May for bank transfers or course details: PLEASE NOTE THAT PLACES ARE LIMITED TO 12 students only.
15-16 November 2025 and 21-22 February 2025. WALKERS BETWEEN THE WORLDS 2nd South Coast Foundation Course in Celtic & Ancestral Shamanism with Dr. Tish Marrable & Jonathon Huet. This course teaches students to journey, heal, quest and arbitrate along the ancient paths of wisdom, gathering spirit allies. We ground in the ancient mysteries of our native shamanic tradition, gathering as a clan of the sacred earth. Held at the Sustainability Centre is East Meon, Hampshire. Take both weekends to qualify for Level B courses. Total fee £490 (£245 for each weekend). Food is £24 per weekend extra, including a substantial lunch, tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the day. Or for those who wish to self-cater, £8 per weekend for tea, coffee and biscuits. While this is a non-residential course, accommodation is available at the centre and locally, please contact Tish for further details. £150 deposit can be paid by cheque, made out to L. F. Marrable and sent to 16 Ravenswood Drive, Brighton BN2 6WN. Email Tish at for further details or to pay by bank transfer.
For those who’ve completed the Foundation Course.
Please take Thresholds of Power First and then Midwifing the Soul: as these as the two hands of healing Courses marked * are £20 cheaper to those who subscribe to FíOS – see details below.
*6-9 April 2025 (Sunday-Wednesday) THRESHOLDS OF POWER & HEALING with Caitlín & Dr. Tish Marrable at Main Centre, Earthspirit, Compton Dundon Somerset. This course teaches a full range of shamanic healing ways including plant-spirit healing, extraction of intrusions, embodiment of personal allies and includes the shamanic ceremony of The Mare Mother's Dream-Dance. This course is an essential next component for shamanic practitioner training. Held at EarthSpirit’s Main centre, Dundon, Somerset (pictured below). Cordwood suite: £717 Ensuite: £652 Standard: £607 Camping: £573, Non Res £501 Single supplement £15. Dietary Supplement £15 BOOKING: Non-returnable deposit of £190 to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680)
*27-30 October 2025 MIDWIFING the SOUL (Sunday-Wednesday) with Caitlín Matthews & Dr. Angela Cotter This residential course teaches the essential skills of shamanic soul healing, exploring the nature of the soul, soul-loss, soul retrieval, and how intrusions are removed for soul to return. We also explore how healing can be brought by the Reconsecration Ritual. Only for those who completed Thresholds of Power: we do not accept students trained elsewhere on this course. Held at EarthSpirit’s Main Course centre, Compton Dundon, Somerset. FEES: Cordwood suite: £717 Ensuite: £652 Standard: £607 Camping: £573, Non Res £501 Single supplement £45 Dietary Supplement £15. Non- returnable deposit of £175 to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680)
For those who’ve completed Intermediate Level B.
Note: The Advanced Level courses run over a 3-4 year cycle and are not all available every year. When sufficient students stay on to activate it, we open up Level D courses every five years or so, which happens this year. The nature of this training takes into account that people need to stop or assimilate teachings for a while between courses. Work your way through the levels in order. We do not take apprentices, but we do expect consistency in, and dedication to, the work.
*2-5 February 2025 BLESSING ANCESTRAL HEARTHS: Healing our Bloodlines, with Caitlín Matthews and Dr Angela Cotter, at the Main Centre, Earthspirit, Dundon, Somerset
This course stems from the core of Caitlín’s ancestral work. When we begin to reconnect with our ancestors, our own feelings of abandonment begin to pass and we feel at ‘at home’ in our world.
When shamans see a person with a problem of ancestral causation, they treat the whole family - those who now alive, those who have died, and also those who are not yet born. This course is dedicated to restoring dignity to the ancestors and giving them a place in our lives. We will open up the ways between the worlds so that the strengths of our ancestors can flow into our families, as well as bringing healing to ancestors who were unable to hold the blessing. Over this celebratory, advanced shamanic weekend, we will welcome our ancestors and so gladden the whole circle of life. We will also lead a ceremony of ancestral hospitality to honour all our ancestors and the wisdom that we receive from them. We invite you to draw together as one kindred and find the love and support that makes us strong.
Cordwood suite: £717 Ensuite: £652 Standard: £607 Camping: £573, Non Res £501 Single supplement £15 Dietary Supplement £15 BOOKING: Deposit of £190 to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680)
26-29 June 2025 A SHRINE IN THE DARKNESS: Creating and Maintaining a Spiritual Practice. With Cáit Branigan and Caitlín Matthews. A NEW COURSE.
In times of deep change, spiritual practices can provide solace, comfort and a powerful foundation to aid us in accessing deep sources of support. Such support provides us with the depth and strength required to stay in loving awareness and to hold to an ethical approach to life and growth. Unfortunately, in a world that focuses on success, such foundational practices are often neglected. This course is for all people of spirit, regardless of whether they belong to a spiritual tradition or not. Based upon the simple practices and wisdom of the Sister Islands of Ireland and Britain, we find the ancestral path that has always been under our feet, so that we and the children who come after us may have good guidance. FEES: Single: £675 Shared: 600, Non-Res: 480.Please send your non-returnable deposit of £150 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034) Please send your non-returnable deposit of £150 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034)
2-24 August 2025 THE WAY OF COUNCIL: with Pippa Bondy, introduced by Caitlín Matthews This ancient practice of sitting in a circle and speaking and listening from the heart is our innate birth-right. In modern times the core practice of Council sets a container for empathy and honesty. It provides a way of bearing witness and accepts diversity in our self and each other and helps cultivate non-hierarchical power. When in Council we step into a timeless space and the creative source flows through us. Through the medium of The Way of Council we will embrace the spirit of enquiry; meaning to open a space of ‘not knowing’ - allowing a state of creativity, a field of fresh new energy and awareness that onnects us to a deeper wisdom within. The practice of Council deepens and enhances communication anywhere that dialogue takes place, be it the home, work-place or wider community, offering an effective means of resolving conflicts, making decisions in a group framework and discovering the deeper, often unexpressed needs of individuals and organizations. Council has been used and is effective in many different settings from health care, schools, businesses and community groups.
Pippa Bondy is a wilderness rites of passage guide and a carrier/trainer of Council. She will lead us to experience the empty vessel that Council provides to look at truth, intentions, questions, fixed ideas, mistakes, and other issues in ways that will help support ourselves, our shamanic clients, our community and the world. Fees: Single £495, Shared £445, Non-res £345.) Please send your non-returnable deposit of £150 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034)
This level D course is only open to those who have done 2 or more advanced courses – it is not open to those trained elsewhere. It runs every 5-6 years and opens up the Graduate level for those who begin to practice under supervision.
12-15 May 2025 HEARKENING TO THE HORSE’S MOUTH. Shamanic Spirit Consultation LEVEL D. with Caitlín Matthews & Margot Harrison.
This course instructs probationer practitioners how to teach journeying to clients, enabling them to contact their own allies, to find their own healing, answers and advice: this method brings shamanic work to the community, working in contemporary and personally-relevant contexts. Participants work as client and shaman in turn. Close personal supervision is given by course leaders. This course leads the Co-Walker Sessions, whereby students are supervised to a professional standard preparatory to practicing in community. Please send a letter about your interest in the course, with your shamanic experience to Caitlín on The course is held at the beautiful medieval Charney Manor, Charney Bassett, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 0EJ. Fee: £726. After you have been accepted on this graduate course, please send a deposit of £250 to secures your place to Jane May, Briarwood, Long Wittenham, Oxon OX14 4QW (01865 407680) NOTE: This course requires a firm commitment, since it is based upon dedicated pair-work, without which we cannot run it. This course is now only taking people on a waiting-list basis as we are at capacity. Do inquire, in case of a cancellation.
Dr. ANGELA COTTER is a Jungian analyst who integrates constellations work, energy psychotherapy and shamanic approaches into her practice.
MARGOT HARRISON is an experienced healer, shamanic practitioner and systemic ritualist working within the traditions of Ireland and Britain. Her practice Hinterlands is in Sligo.
KATE CURTIS works as an acupuncturist and herbalist and a Grof breathwork teacher/facilitator. She runs a small retreat centre near Gorey in County Wexford.
CAIT BRANIGAN is a Bean Feasa and healer working within the traditions of Ireland. She teaches worldwide. Listen to her being interviewed here:
Dr TISH MARRABLE is a wellbeing educator and researcher with a background in counselling and griefwork. She has been working shamanically for over 20 years. She has a shamanic practice on the South Downs and a deep love of Welsh and Irish mythology and the land from which it emerges.
JONATHON HUET is a professional storyteller and environmental educator with extensive experience of running events, especially working with trauma, mental health and wellbeing. He has a shamanic practice in Brighton informed by a deep connection to the land and especially Celtic traditions and lore.
These courses, events and signings are open to all who are on their spiritual path.
FiOS MASTERCLASSES offer opportunities to deepen spiritual practice with a living exemplars of traditional wisdom. Courses marked * give £20 member’s discount.
5 December 2024- 27 March 2025 VOICES OF CELTIC WISDOM ONLINE COURSE
This online course comes with modules from leading teachers of Celtic lore from musicians, craftspeople, speakers, and ritualists, including Caitlín, Mary McLaughlin. It is for those who are inspired to connect with ancestral wisdom and remember “the old ways”and those who feel drawn to explore the living threads of Celtic culture and pre-Roman traditions of the lands of modern-day Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales & Cornwall. For all who wish to learn old songs & hear old stories – to touch, feel and craft with your hands using materials sourced from these beautiful lands, and to satisfy the sense of longing for “home,” and to explore these themes through the Celtic lens. Caitlín’s session on the Otherworld is on 27 January. Classes are held on Mondays and Thursdays at 10am Pacific Time/1.30am Eastern Time/ 6.30pm GMT in UK. To subscribe to this course please quote my link:
26-29 June 2025 A SHRINE IN THE DARKNESS: Creating and Maintaining a Spiritual Practice. With Cáit Branigan and Caitlín Matthews. A NEW COURSE.
In times of deep change, spiritual practices can provide solace, comfort and a powerful foundation to aid us in accessing deep sources of support. Such support provides us with the depth and strength required to stay in loving awareness and to hold to an ethical approach to life and growth. Unfortunately, in a world that focuses on success, such foundational practices are often neglected. This course is for all people of spirit, regardless of whether they belong to a spiritual tradition or not. Based upon the simple practices and wisdom of the Sister Islands of Ireland and Britain, we find the ancestral path that has always been Single. £675 Shared £600 Non-res £480) Quote course 25-262. Please send your non-returnable deposit of £150 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034)
28-30 November 2025. CELTIC MYTH AND VEDIC TRADITION: From India to Ireland.
With John and Caitlín Matthews and special guest, Dwina Murphy-Gibb. In our 41st open mystery school course, we will be tracing the heroic and spiritual myths that join the Indo-European stream of these two cultures. Through storytelling, meditation and ritual, we will explore some of the notable myths: including the Sacred Directions, the Chariot, the teachings of rishis and druids, the heroic sagas, Faery Lovers, and the Goddess of Sovereignty – all myths we share with India. Our ritual is the Seeking the Four Treasures. Please join us for this great bridging of mythic traditions! Dwina Murphy-Gibb is the author of The Vedic Tarot and The Cormac Trilogy. She brings the richness of the Vedic tradition to our weekend.
FEES: Single: £475. Shared: £425. Non-Res £345. Please send your non-returnable deposit of £150 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034)
Since we are still awaiting some last details concerning new publications, I will be posting that as a part 2 to this post when we have more pictures and details. Thanks for your patience.
Thank you both, it is incredible the amount of work that you do and I hope you manage to have some good quality time together. Looking forward to learning from and working with you this coming year.