Jun 28Liked by Caitlín Matthews

That Prayer to Pan is beautiful. Thanks for your lovely post. I've not encountered fauns here in Ireland, but I'll keep a wide eye out for them.

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Thank you, Maura. We may only become aware of them with our bodies, and not so often with our eyes - that sense of presence is very special indeed. I am not a 'see-er' - but someone who experience by touch/sound or resonance.

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Many years ago there was a rose bush that cropped up in and grew wild in a neighbor's yard. I walk by this yard daily on my way to get my mail. One day I noticed in the trunk of the bush something I had never seen before. It had taken the shape of a fairy king, one of fertility at that. I even asked a child once what she saw in that trunk and she could see the same thing I did. Fearing that some day the bush might be taken down, I took a picture of the fairy trunk, which I have to this day in a little frame. It's a good thing I did as that bush was removed when new owners of the house moved it. I always greeted that king and was respectful of him. I like to think that he made himself known to me (and the child) and continued to do so because I recognized and respected him.

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Thank you Caitlin for this lovely piece of writing it reminds me of Keats Hymn to Pan 'Who lov'st to see the hamadryads dress, Their ruffled locks where meeting hazels darken...'

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Thank you for this. Somehow, we have lost our sense of wonder in the modern world. This is a good reminder.

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I love this! Thank you, Caitlin.

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