I love this and need to reread it several times over for it to sink in. I have always felt a deep need to keep my word. If I say I will do something , I always do or explain why I can’t. Yet I have met so many people who promise things and never deliver. I could never live like that. I had never thought about our gifts being an Oath to the divine and this feels right as I am now working in admin part time which is totally contrary to my calling to nurture nature. I see why it is so important for me on my days away from admin to follow my calling and redress the deep need in me - my oath - to create wild life havens and connect with the spirit of plants and trees. It keeps me healthy and harmonious and in service to the divine. Thank you for these teachings.

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Dear Zorah, you have the very heart of it in your grasp! The number of places where our essential natural is challenged to be other than it really is are so many now, that it is like living in a world warped by opinion. Holding to the Oath is how we set the changeless guard on all our actions. Thank you!

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What really spoke to me was the part called The Pledge or Guardian of Eternity. I've always thought that humans are supposed to be the custodians of our planet and beyond. We're not doing a very good job are we? It seems like many don't care about the future and are plundering and polluting the earth for their own benefit. However, I have hope. I remember a time when most people thought recycling was a crazy idea and too expensive and now it's the law in many places. I think that if most of us who care about the environment do the right things, others will take note and follow our example.

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It really is the small print on our whole life, as far as I can understand. The nearer we live to the heart of things, the nearer we are to being balanced.

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Thank you for this, Caitlín, there really is a lot to unpack here. It brings a new perspective to being true to our inner calling and path, and why it feels so wrong when we are asked to work against it. And, on a larger scale, why it feels so deeply distressing when we can see our bonds with the Earth, Spirit and each other being broken so easily. It’s more than a sense of ‘wrongness’, it really feels like something intrinsic to our whole being and pupose is being shattered. Lots to mull over…

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This particular verse on the Oath is, I think, very searching. It spotlights the essential connection between us and our whole world, and just where things are veering away from where they need to be. But that it shows us our inability to see the connection between a spiritually harmonious connection with our cosmos and ourselves is a huge realisation.

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